Bringing nature back to an unloved alleyway…
Overgrown and frequently filled with leftover building materials, the alleyways have become forgotten parts of the neighbourhood. But when humans move out, nature moves in. And with careful local management, the alleyways can become mini wildlife havens that improve the community for all. This was an issue – and an opportunity – that was recognised by Love My Street.
A selection of flowers grown in the St Leonards Avenue alleyway, following it’s transformation by local residents
A blog post for Green Earth Plan by Love My Street - October 2021
“A tired and unwelcoming space was transformed into a bright and colourful haven in which wildlife could thrive and residents could enjoy”
Central Windsor isn’t typically considered as an area with great potential for nature. With its dense network of residential streets, shops and offices, there are few signs that wildlife can thrive here if given a chance. But nestled amongst the Victorian terraces lie a series of neglected alleyways that offer huge potential. Whilst 100 years ago these alleyways were used as important access routes for homeowners, today they are mostly unused and unloved. Overgrown and frequently filled with leftover building materials, the alleyways have become forgotten parts of the neighbourhood. But when humans move out, nature moves in. And with careful local management, the alleyways can become mini wildlife havens that improve the community for all. This was an issue – and an opportunity – that was recognised by Love My Street.
Love My Street is an environmental initiative founded in Windsor that seeks to improve the lives of local people first and in turn, the planet. By approaching issues at a personal level – money, family, health and community – Love My Street seeks to help people help themselves in ways that then deliver environmental benefits, whether that’s saving money by switching to a green energy supplier or improving health by making cycling to school safer.
Andrew Elder, founder of Love My Street identified an alleyway in his street that fitted with his aims. ‘People’s health and wellbeing is inextricably linked with nature. ‘Greening’ spaces that are literally on our doorstep can have a positive effect on residents by connecting them with flora, fauna and wildlife. The alleyways in Windsor are hidden gems that can benefit communities and boost nature with a little bit of support plus teamwork from residents’.
The St Leonard’s Avenue alleyway before it’s transformation
The first alleyway to be targeted was in St Leonard’s Avenue. Left unmanaged for many years, it was a sad state – muddy, litter-filled and overgrown. This didn’t mean of course that nature wasn’t there – but the potential to make it so much better for insects, animals…and residents was significant. Through the creation of a Love My Street WhatsApp group for St. Leonard’s Avenue, many residents joined forces by clearing out the rubbish and getting the alleyway ready for planting in Spring. This was where the support from Green Earth Plan CIC was invaluable! GEP successfully championed for support from RBWM council; resulting in the alleyway’s planting plan being supplemented with wildflower seeds, bee hotels, bird boxes and so much more.
And what was the result? In short, dramatic! A tired and unwelcoming space was transformed into a bright and colourful haven in which wildlife could thrive and residents could enjoy. The wildflowers have contributed to a significant increase in pollinators, birds are using the bird boxes and the street’s resident hedgehogs have more space to thrive.
The Love My Street alleyway was supported by funding secured by Green Earth Plan CIC’s Green Up Our Street’s campaign
“Green Earth Plan has been a fantastic partner to the first Love My Street initiative. Without their help in securing funding, the alleyway’s transformation wouldn’t have been possible to the same extent. I look forward to working with Green Earth Plan in the future, bringing nature back to more areas of Central Windsor…and beyond!”
Would you like to transform an alleyway in Windsor or in your local area? Contact Love My Street via their Facebook page @LovemyStreeteco for resources, help and advice about this and other eco initiatives.
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