Support Us
There are multiple ways in which you can support our work at Green Earth Plan. Whether this is a little or a lot, now or in the future, we are grateful you have chosen to spend some time on our website getting to know what we do!
Volunteer your time to a project
Donate to support our campaigns
Follow us on social media and spread the word
Volunteer your time
We appreciate how valuable your time is, which is why we are so grateful when you choose to volunteer your time and energy to inspire the hearts and minds of the people around you.
Sometimes our contributions have an immediate impact, for example cleaning up litter in a park or from a river bank - there is an immediate visual reward. Other times, our actions are not seen for many weeks or even month, such as planting wildflower seeds.
However, in both cases there is a positive environmental change that you have been the direct cause of. Endangered hedgehogs will not become trapped in discarded litter because of your actions and essential pollinators are supported by the food source provided by seeds that you sowed.
When it come to our health, wellbeing and our environment, we really do ‘reap what we sow’, both now and in the future and this is why the gift of your time and energy is so very precious.
Donate to our campaigns
No spare time but want to help make a difference?
Green Earth Plan is a Community Interest Company (CIC) not-for-profit organisation, all of our funding supports community action projects that benefit people and the planet.
Any funds that you generously donate will go directly to fund our campaigns and project work.
Follow us on social media
Like what we do?
You can help us build our worldwide community by following our social media and sharing our news and resources with your network.
Want to volunteer your time or find out more?
Green Earth Plan is all about community action and we can only bring about positive environmental change with your support, either as volunteers or as leaders of projects in your local area.
So if you would like to get involved in any way, shape or form, we can’t wait to hear from you!