nature, wellness, health Zoe Macavoy nature, wellness, health Zoe Macavoy

A Healing Walk in the Wild Weald

Wild Weald Wellness guru and Reiki Practitioner Donna Christman shares her own story and the insights she has discovered along the way between nature, health and wellness. She offers advice and guidance to readers along with the opportunity to join her micro-retreats in the stunning grounds of the Brownbread Horse Rescue centre in the beautiful High Weald, East Sussex.

Donna with horses from the family-run Brownbread Horse Rescue.

Green Earth Plan interviews Donna Christman of ‘Wild Weald Wellness’ - June 2024

Donna is based in the rolling High Weald in East Sussex, in a little hamlet close to the historic town of Battle. She grew up in the countryside surrounded by animals at Brownbread Horse Rescue, which was founded over 50 years ago and is still run by her parents. Donna settled in Hove for many years and worked as a fitness instructor and primary teacher. Despite enjoying living between the sea and South Downs, she eventually felt a strong urge to head back to her roots, deep in the countryside.

Sending healing intuitively for some years led Donna to train as a Reiki healer, she is a second-degree certified Reiki practitioner from the traditional Usui lineage. Donna offers in-person and distance healing treatments, as well as animal healing, to shift emotional issues and physical pain, stress and tension, anxiety, depression and feelings of ‘stuckness’.

Donna, why do you feel nature is important for our wellbeing?

I have been leading meditation walks in nature for several years now and my emphasis, as we move through the landscape, is to reconnect participants with themselves – and to see themselves as part of the nature. I enable people to return to their natural home within, to become grounded and free. Being immersed in nature allows us to get out of ourselves, to get into our ‘true’ selves…to find our true nature. And our true nature is nature.

What was it that made you start Wild Weald Wellness?

Connecting with Reiki (the ‘Universal Energy’) and beginning to understand the teachings of spiritual masters enabled me to ‘go within’ and to experience the fruits of letting go of what wasn’t needed. Discovering our true selves gives us freedom to be authentic and real, to get out of our brains and to be more heart centred. I felt I wanted to share this insight, and what better place to do it than deep in the rolling countryside, surrounded by wildlife.

Residents of Brownbread Horse Rescue

Can you share some insights into what a guest on one of your micro-retreats can expect?

The Micro-Retreat well-being experience offers total immersion in nature. Accompanied by birdsong (including nightingales), we’ll enjoy wildflowers, a huge variety of trees, seasonal colours, grazing ponies, and along the way, a variety of lovely, relaxing activities to clear and calm the mind and body.

The micro-retreat includes time to share refreshments - which are provided – and time to chat together in friendly company.

We often hear about the wellness benefits of connecting with animals, what is your experience of this?

Our domestic creatures trust us to care for their needs and connecting with animals is proven to have many health benefits, such as lowering the pulse rate and so reducing feelings of anxiety; it’s impossible not to smile when in their company! They are emotionally and spiritually intelligent - always living in the moment and letting go of what’s not needed, though we must realise they are mirrors for our emotions too and if there are tensions between us and our animals it’s often because we humans need to deal with our own issues. I love how animals remember how to play, even as adults, and that they are affectionate and offer unconditional love.

Have you had the opportunity to practice Reiki on any of the residents at Brownbread Horse Rescue?

We have a retired Polo horse called Pampa, who is calm in every way, and a couple of years ago our donkey came back to the yard. Pampa was terrified of this donkey, its special smell, its ears and donkey noise, and wouldn’t go anywhere near it. There was no improvement over time, and he was clearly very stressed when he caught sight of it in a far stable (or if he imagined it was there) or adjoining field. I thought he’d benefit from Reiki healing, so I worked with him and within a week he was transformed and able to be close to the donkey in a relaxed and friendly manner. Something had shifted. It was lovely to witness this deep change, and the donkey appreciated it too!

What has been the most significant thing you have learned on your own wellness journey so far?

The freedom of reducing the powerful and limiting hold of the ego, which manifests itself as our mind chatter, and our judgements, among other things. It’s work in progress – but the practice of throwing it out leaves a light, loving and joyful space where we can really get to know our true selves; we can speak our truth and live more intuitively.

“Living in the flow of grace invites wonderful happenings and special people into our lives...”

If you could offer the reader some advice to support their own wellness what would it be?

Be hydrated with filtered water, get physical, get grounding (your body in contact with the earth), enjoy good nutrition (not microwaved), don’t cook in plastic or aluminium, breathe deeply, smile, practise gratitude and empathy, be altruistic, forgive – yourself and others, practise releasing the ego, trust your intuition, transact from the heart, and finally, be yourself – each of us is beautifully unique!

What is next for you?

This summer we’re putting up four exclusive boutique bell tents, all with stunning views, so that people can escape the busyness of life and combine a very comfortable and cosy stay in a meadow at the Horse Rescue with, if they wish, a lovely well-being experience.

As well as continuing professional development in Reiki and animal Reiki, I’ll be offering micro-retreats with varying themes – to be announced! Beach-based micro-retreats are also in the planning stage. I would welcome any groups, companies or businesses looking for team-bonding activities or staff treats to get in touch for bespoke well-being days or sessions. Gift vouchers are also available.

To hear about future Micro-Retreats – stay updated by following ‘Wild Weald’ (Wellness and Health) on Facebook or join Donna’s WhatsApp group: 07968 293976

To book Boutique Bell Tents, use Airbnb link or book direct (Exclusive group bookings available)

Cosy Escape Luxury Bell Tent

Dreamy Bell Tent

Beach House Retreat

Romantic Escape

Romantic Bell Tent

For Reiki and distance Reiki healing treatments please contact Donna by phone/text/Whats App (07968 293976) or by direct message on Facebook messenger.

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Hailsham, a hedgehog friendly town in the making!

Hailsham local Gill Howson shares her ambition to help make this little town in East Sussex the most friendly hedgehog town in Britain. Sadly, hedgehogs are classified as 'vulnerable to extinction' on Britain's red list for mammals. During this interview, you’ll hear how Sue’s community project ‘Hedgehogs 4 Hailsham’ got started, how it’s progressing and most importantly, how you can help one of Britains favourite mammals thrive from your back gardens today.

The European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus)

Green Earth Plan interviews Hedgehogs 4 Hailsham Founder Gill Howson - May 2024

“Wouldn't it be great if we could make Hailsham the most hedgehog friendly town in Britain and then be a model that people all over Britain would follow?

Gill, what was your motivation for starting Hedgehogs 4 Hailsham?

Running up to retirement I wanted to contribute to helping wildlife and whilst I keep a wildlife friendly garden myself, litter pick and lobby councils to reduce grass cutting, I felt that raising awareness would broaden my impact. I find it horrifying that we are losing so many species in Britain and that they will not be there for my grandchildren but on the positive side, if we made small changes individually, we could help turn this around. 

What was it about hedgehogs in particular that drew you to help them?

Hedgehogs are Britain's favourite mammal and research told me that hedgehog numbers in Britain dropped by 50% between 2000 and 2022 and that they are classified as 'vulnerable to extinction' on Britain's red list for mammals. Whilst I was researching, a neighbour enclosed their garden with high fences with gravel boards right down to the ground and it made me realise that awareness of the damage we do is low. I know that there is lots we can do to make a difference and that anything we do for hedgehogs will help other wildlife as well. 

Can you share your vision for this community project?

My initial vision was to simply gather a few interested people and do some leafleting around our neighbourhoods. The British Hedgehog Preservation Society produces a great leaflet to share with neighbours. I wanted to encourage people to mark the hedgehog highways that they have created on the and I am tracking the numbers.

My original vision has grown, and I have ended up talking to Councillors and planners about wildlife and how they can be very aware that new developments can be built with hedgehogs and many more creatures in mind. Wouldn't it be great if we could make Hailsham the most hedgehog friendly town in Britain and then be a model that people all over Britain would follow?

How have locals responded to this campaign?

I have been overwhelmed by the response which is wonderful, to name a few examples:

  • I now have a great community group of people who are getting involved with awareness raising;

  • Twice I have heard Town Councillors state that it would be great to have a stipulation that highways are put into fences in new housing developments. This is happening in some places in Britain so it is not impossible;

  • I have been invited to talk to a few groups of people and on Hailsham FM;

  • Many people have sent me photos of Hailsham hedgehogs and those in surrounding villages to create a gallery of our very own prickly friends. This tells us that we do have these gorgeous creatures living amongst us;

  • I've had a great Social Media response;

  • Since beginning the campaign, there are 9 additional hedgehogs and 2 additional hedgehog highways marked on the I am sure that this will build over time.

  • There has been a very small amount of negativity such as people believing that if they create a gap in their fence they will attract more rats and cats. This is a fallacy as rats are very able to find their way into your garden and cats go over fences very easily.

What has surprised you the most on this journey so far?

I have been thrilled by how many people really care. It has been amazing to go round the town with posters and have so many in our community want to talk about hedgehogs. It has also been really joyful to work with Town Councillors and when they asked me to help with creating a press release for Hedgehog Awareness Week, I was overwhelmed.

What are your top 5 tips for local people to help support hedgehogs?

  1. Link your gardens - hedgehogs need to roam at least a mile a night to find mates, enough food and to keep them off roads. By connecting gardens with gaps in fences we can create huge nature reserves;

  2. Create wild corners, log piles, leaf stacks and hedge plants to provide places to hide and find their favourite food; 

  3. Use alternatives to harmful pesticides including slug pellets. You can download a booklet produced by the Pesticide Action Network UK that gives lots of help;

  4. If you can cope with it, cut lawns less and leave wild patches (these can become really pretty). When you do cut the lawn and strim be careful, hedgehogs are more likely to curl up into a ball than run away if frightened and many of them are killed each year by garden machinery;

  5. Ensure that there is a shallow bowl of water or a pond in the hot weather but remember that any ponds need to have a way for creatures to climb out safely, such as a pile of stones or piece of wood.

If you are local to Hailsham, East Sussex, the Hedgehogs 4 Hailsham volunteers will be handing out leaflets with lots of advice in Quintins shopping centre in Hailsham on 11th May 9:30- 3pm. Otherwise you can email Gill on with questions or for more information about the campaign.

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Centrica and the Community: Bringing Biodiversity to Sawyer’s Close

The Centrica team and I learnt so much from the experts at Green Earth Plan and Abri, and it was really rewarding to see the difference that our time had made. The satisfaction of lifting the final piece of turf from the soon-to-be wildflower corner was a particular highlight for me and I felt so proud when members of the Sawyer’s Close community came out to admire our handywork and wanted to get stuck in themselves! It was a privilege to meet our neighbours, whose home I had walked past so many times – and to share in their enthusiasm for that home was even better.

The Centrica Team of Volunteers

A blog post for Green Earth Plan by Hannah Blanchard - January 2022

“Last Autumn, my team and I headed over to our neighbours at Sawyer’s Close. Our mission? To help Green Earth Plan enhance the biodiversity of the site and make it a more accessible and enjoyable space for the community.

I’m not quite sure how many times I made the commute to our Centrica office in Windsor before the pandemic started. But I’d happily tell you it was ‘a fair few’! Four tower blocks face the office and, without fail, I’ve always looked over to note the grass and trees that grow in their shadow.

Not being a Windsor local myself, I can’t say I was too familiar with the site – nor the residents who call Sawyer’s Close home. So, when the opportunity came for us to visit and lend a hand in developing their community gardens, I was rather excited.

At Centrica, we’re committed to helping create a more inclusive and sustainable future that supports communities, our planet and each other. It’s all part of our People & Planet Plan, and is something that I’m passionate about on a personal level too. We want to enable the transition to a lower carbon future, and we don’t want to see anybody left behind. So, where better to start with our support than right on our doorstep?

Last Autumn, my team and I headed over to our neighbours at Sawyer’s Close to offer that support. Our mission? To help Green Earth Plan enhance the biodiversity of the site and make it a more accessible and enjoyable space for the community.

‘The Wildflower Bed’ (hopefully we’ll see some beautiful colours coming through soon!)

Under the incredible supervision of Green Earth Plan and Abri, our team of 9 split ourselves across a few different activities. We got stuck in throughout the afternoon and we definitely earnt our dinners!

One group headed over to the community orchard to create a wildflower bed. We marked out the shape of the bed using string, before cutting and lifting the turf so that we could plant wildflower seeds. Not only will the wildflowers make the area more beautiful for residents and passers-by alike, they’ll also encourage bees, butterflies, and other pollinators to the orchard – which is beneficial both to the trees and overall biodiversity.

We even made good use of the turf that we lifted out! Access to orchard was a little restricted; the narrow path was tricky to navigate for those less physically able, so we widened it and repositioned the turf at the entrance of the orchard to create a more level approach route.

Others in the team worked on a biodiversity area. They positioned, embedded, and varnished logs for natural seating – which in turn will also help to protect the current tree stump habitats from potential damage. The group also added various plants and bulbs to enhance the space.

“My new skill? Being able to create seats out of tree stumps!” – Sarah Wright

The team and I learnt so much from the experts at Green Earth Plan and Abri, and it was really rewarding to see the difference that our time had made. The satisfaction of lifting the final piece of turf from the soon-to-be wildflower corner was a particular highlight for me and I felt so proud when members of the Sawyer’s Close community came out to admire our handywork and wanted to get stuck in themselves! It was a privilege to meet our neighbours, whose home I had walked past so many times – and to share in their enthusiasm for that home was even better.

“I really enjoyed taking time out to support a community that’s right on our doorstep – not only was it great to help transform the orchard and woodland area, but it was rewarding to see local residents interested and happy in what we were doing.” – Natalie Robinson

  ‘Team with Tools’ (I promise we used them for more than just props!)

I’m so grateful for the opportunity we had to make a difference in our community. Everybody came away with new skills, knowledge, and an appreciation for our local area. Oh, and thankfully a smile. Although, we were certainly in need of a good shower and sleep after all that digging!

Would you like to help transform a community space in your local area? Then why not join our Urban Greening Campaign ‘Green Up Our Streets’ and make a difference for people and the planet. You can read more about how to get involved here

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Bringing nature back to an unloved alleyway…

Overgrown and frequently filled with leftover building materials, the alleyways have become forgotten parts of the neighbourhood. But when humans move out, nature moves in. And with careful local management, the alleyways can become mini wildlife havens that improve the community for all. This was an issue – and an opportunity – that was recognised by Love My Street.

A selection of flowers grown in the St Leonards Avenue alleyway, following it’s transformation by local residents

A selection of flowers grown in the St Leonards Avenue alleyway, following it’s transformation by local residents

A blog post for Green Earth Plan by Love My Street - October 2021

“A tired and unwelcoming space was transformed into a bright and colourful haven in which wildlife could thrive and residents could enjoy”

Love My Street.jpg

Central Windsor isn’t typically considered as an area with great potential for nature. With its dense network of residential streets, shops and offices, there are few signs that wildlife can thrive here if given a chance. But nestled amongst the Victorian terraces lie a series of neglected alleyways that offer huge potential. Whilst 100 years ago these alleyways were used as important access routes for homeowners, today they are mostly unused and unloved. Overgrown and frequently filled with leftover building materials, the alleyways have become forgotten parts of the neighbourhood. But when humans move out, nature moves in. And with careful local management, the alleyways can become mini wildlife havens that improve the community for all. This was an issue – and an opportunity – that was recognised by Love My Street.

Love My Street is an environmental initiative founded in Windsor that seeks to improve the lives of local people first and in turn, the planet. By approaching issues at a personal level – money, family, health and community – Love My Street seeks to help people help themselves in ways that then deliver environmental benefits, whether that’s saving money by switching to a green energy supplier or improving health by making cycling to school safer.

Andrew Elder, founder of Love My Street identified an alleyway in his street that fitted with his aims. ‘People’s health and wellbeing is inextricably linked with nature. ‘Greening’ spaces that are literally on our doorstep can have a positive effect on residents by connecting them with flora, fauna and wildlife. The alleyways in Windsor are hidden gems that can benefit communities and boost nature with a little bit of support plus teamwork from residents’.   

The St Leonard’s Avenue alleyway before it’s transformation

The St Leonard’s Avenue alleyway before it’s transformation

The first alleyway to be targeted was in St Leonard’s Avenue. Left unmanaged for many years, it was a sad state – muddy, litter-filled and overgrown. This didn’t mean of course that nature wasn’t there – but the potential to make it so much better for insects, animals…and residents was significant. Through the creation of a Love My Street WhatsApp group for St. Leonard’s Avenue, many residents joined forces by clearing out the rubbish and getting the alleyway ready for planting in Spring. This was where the support from Green Earth Plan CIC was invaluable! GEP successfully championed for support from RBWM council; resulting in the alleyway’s planting plan being supplemented with wildflower seeds, bee hotels, bird boxes and so much more.

And what was the result? In short, dramatic! A tired and unwelcoming space was transformed into a bright and colourful haven in which wildlife could thrive and residents could enjoy. The wildflowers have contributed to a significant increase in pollinators, birds are using the bird boxes and the street’s resident hedgehogs have more space to thrive.

Alleyway transformation.jpeg

The Love My Street alleyway was supported by funding secured by Green Earth Plan CIC’s Green Up Our Street’s campaign

Green Earth Plan has been a fantastic partner to the first Love My Street initiative. Without their help in securing funding, the alleyway’s transformation wouldn’t have been possible to the same extent. I look forward to working with Green Earth Plan in the future, bringing nature back to more areas of Central Windsor…and beyond!
— Andrew Elder, founder of Love My Street

Would you like to transform an alleyway in Windsor or in your local area? Contact Love My Street via their Facebook page @LovemyStreeteco for resources, help and advice about this and other eco initiatives.

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